Tidak seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, awal tahun baru 2009 akan terlambat satu detik. Sejumlah ilmuwan yang selama ini peduli terhadap standardisasi waktu di seluruh dunia telah sepakat menambah satu detik di akhir tahun 2008.
Penambahan ini untuk memastikan dunia tetap tepat waktu. Rotasi Bumi sebagai standar 24 jam masih digunakan dalam penentuan waktu di jam. Padahal, rotasi Bumi dari waktu ke waktu mengalami keterlambatan. Pencairan es di kutub, aktivitas inti Bumi, gelombang laut, dan efek gravitasi Matahari dan Bulan membuat poros rotasi berubah-ubah dan mengalami perlambatan 2 milidetik setiap hari.
Sementara standar yang presisi kini digunakan berdasarkan perhitungan wakwa 1 detik setara dengan waktu yang dibutuhkan sebuah atom cesium untuk bergetar sebanyak 9.192.631.770 kali. Dengan standar tersebut, jam atom hanya terlambat satu detik dalam 200 juta tahun. Akibat perbedaan ini menyebabkan tampilan jam atom harus disesuaikan dengan jam berdasarkan rotasi Bumi.
Tambahan detik yang diatur lembaga standardisasi waktu dunia International Rotation and Reference Systems Service akan dilakukan secara resmi pada malam tahun baru di Greenwich, Inggris. Greenwich selama ini menjadi referensi jam di seluruh dunia dengan sebutan GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) atau Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Secara teknis, pada malam tahun baru akan ditambahkan hitungan 23.59.60 sebelum berubah menjadi 00.00.00 memasuki 1 Januari 2009. Sebanyak 200 jam atom yang tersebar di 50 laboratorium di seluruh dunia akan menyesuaikan dengan perubahan ini.
Detik tambahan yang sering disebut Leap Second ini bukan kali pertama dilakukan. Sejak standardisasi waktu dunia disepakati tahun 1972 telah dilakukan 24 kali.
Meski seolah tahun 2009 terlambat satu detik, sebenarnya justru maju beberapa milidetik. Sebab, saat ini jam atom terlambat 0,6 detik sehingga penambahan satu detik membuat waktu Bumi 0,4 detik lebih dulu. Maju atau mundur, perayaan tahun baru tetap saja yang paling ditunggu-tunggu.
Sumber : SPACE.COM
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Learn to Solve Your Problems
self improvement
How much percentage in a class of 30 students would agree to you that Mathematics is a great subject? You might answer “around 10 to 35%” and that is all. True, most kids today are not thrilled to solve Mathematical equations not because they do not know the processes involved, but because of the lack of interest in it.
In a similar way, our daily activities do not mean 100% joy and 0% problems. At times, we have more problems than joy. Fortunately, some individual are skilled in handling problems right. Want to know their secrets?
Well, carefree people, as some might call them, have one thing in common: optimism. These kinds of people do not mean they never had problems before. Try remembering a colleague, a relative, a friend, or someone from your community who has the brightest smile at the start until the end of the day. How many times did you see that person frown? Carefree people are fun to be with because their attitude is contagious. Have you tried asking them how they carry their problems lightly? Below are their secrets:
The above tips will help you optimize those positive feelings of yours. Say you are already consumed by some problems. Here are the 1-2-3 steps in doing your problem solving:
Consider that everybody experiences lowliness many times, but problems are problems. They are there not to annoy you; but problems are created when you cannot accept your limitations. Once you accept your limitations, problem solving is just a 1-2-3 step, hassle-free, and a life-sharpening experience indeed. Hence, never consume or lock yourself in your room when problem strikes. Think that problems are states of your being limited to something you need the most. But if you cannot have that important thing, accept it. Let go and you will free yourself with worries. Remember, less worries mean less problems. If you think that you really want some time out because of problems, consider that there is another room available for you called “improvement.”
In a similar way, our daily activities do not mean 100% joy and 0% problems. At times, we have more problems than joy. Fortunately, some individual are skilled in handling problems right. Want to know their secrets?
Well, carefree people, as some might call them, have one thing in common: optimism. These kinds of people do not mean they never had problems before. Try remembering a colleague, a relative, a friend, or someone from your community who has the brightest smile at the start until the end of the day. How many times did you see that person frown? Carefree people are fun to be with because their attitude is contagious. Have you tried asking them how they carry their problems lightly? Below are their secrets:
1. Learn to control your feelings by separating negative feelings from positive thoughts. This is the first step in solving problems. Only after you have cleared your mind with unnecessary thoughts can you start solving your problems accordingly.
2. Treat each problem as challenge and opportunity for self-improvement.
3. Free that scapegoat attitude. Are you pointing your finger or blaming others for mishaps? Take responsibilities for your mistakes. No one is perfect, so never put the blames on others.
4. Use a pen and paper, and rate the depth of the problem and possible answers to your problem. Probability law principle will allow you to evaluate how far you have thought of resolving your problems.
5. Keep a journal and treat it as a “secret friend” who is always willing to listen to your grievances. Write your feelings freely.
6. Develop a noteworthy hobby, for this will help you lessen or minimize stress in your life.
7. Take time off from work and create variations of your daily schedule. Relax and check out the best movies in town. Travel and meet new wonderful people. You will find these activities worthwhile in the long run.
The above tips will help you optimize those positive feelings of yours. Say you are already consumed by some problems. Here are the 1-2-3 steps in doing your problem solving:
1. Determine the root cause of the problem. If you think it is difficult, ask hundreds of why’s and what’s and you will soon find out the cause.
2. Think, strategize, and act for resolution.
3. Develop a strong desire to solve the problem.
4. Review the situation for you to avoid repeating the same mistakes committed beforehand.
Consider that everybody experiences lowliness many times, but problems are problems. They are there not to annoy you; but problems are created when you cannot accept your limitations. Once you accept your limitations, problem solving is just a 1-2-3 step, hassle-free, and a life-sharpening experience indeed. Hence, never consume or lock yourself in your room when problem strikes. Think that problems are states of your being limited to something you need the most. But if you cannot have that important thing, accept it. Let go and you will free yourself with worries. Remember, less worries mean less problems. If you think that you really want some time out because of problems, consider that there is another room available for you called “improvement.”
Tips To Apply For A Credit Card
credit card
Filling out a credit card application is just like filling out a job application-everyone needs some tips to use so that they get approved.
If your credit is bad, then it may be a little more difficult to get a credit card than if you have good credit. Do not give up, because there are hundreds of companies out there that offer credit cards for people with bad credit and if you shop around, you will find the credit card that is just right for you.
If you are researching credit cards, the first place that you can get information is the Internet. The Internet has a lot of information about many different credit cards, including their rates, fees, and incentives, so that you can find the best credit card for you.
There are some credit card companies that say that they will give you a credit card with no credit check. However, keep in mind that having a credit card almost always means that you are going to go into debt. Be cautious when choosing the credit card for you. Read the fine print of their terms and agreements to make sure that there are not going to be any surprises.
Analyze your financial situation to make sure that you can handle a credit card and its payments. Even the most cautious of us go on a little shopping excursion every now and then and you do not want to be thrown into a financial tailspin when your bill comes in.
Cautiousness is very important in using your credit card. If you are not sure that you can handle a credit card, then rethink applying. You need to be sure that when the bill comes in that you can make the payments. If you are not completely sure, then don’t get a credit card until you are ready.
If your credit is bad, then it may be a little more difficult to get a credit card than if you have good credit. Do not give up, because there are hundreds of companies out there that offer credit cards for people with bad credit and if you shop around, you will find the credit card that is just right for you.
If you are researching credit cards, the first place that you can get information is the Internet. The Internet has a lot of information about many different credit cards, including their rates, fees, and incentives, so that you can find the best credit card for you.
There are some credit card companies that say that they will give you a credit card with no credit check. However, keep in mind that having a credit card almost always means that you are going to go into debt. Be cautious when choosing the credit card for you. Read the fine print of their terms and agreements to make sure that there are not going to be any surprises.
Analyze your financial situation to make sure that you can handle a credit card and its payments. Even the most cautious of us go on a little shopping excursion every now and then and you do not want to be thrown into a financial tailspin when your bill comes in.
Cautiousness is very important in using your credit card. If you are not sure that you can handle a credit card, then rethink applying. You need to be sure that when the bill comes in that you can make the payments. If you are not completely sure, then don’t get a credit card until you are ready.
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